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Albany judge rules DEC permit violates Clean Water Act

Apr 27, 2018 1:12 pm
Gwendolyn Craig reports in the Post Star that Albany Supreme Court Justice David Weinstein ruled April 23 that the Department of Environmental Conservation’s pollution discharge permit it hands out to some large dairy and other livestock farms is not fully kosher with the federal Clean Water Act. Riverkeeper, Sierra Club, and Waterkeeper Alliance brought a suit to court last year. By October 23, the DEC will need to create a new concentrated animal feeding operation permit for farms that discharge into a water source. Farms can keep up what they are doing until new permits are issued. Mike Dulong, an attorney for Riverkeeper, was happy with the judge’s decision. “The opinion is very much focused on state and public oversight of these operations, and I think, personally and on behalf of Riverkeeper, there is a way to do, to make agriculture sustainable and make it safe for water quality, and that’s what we’re looking for here,” Dulong said. “A little bit more public and state oversight will make that possible.” Read the full story in the Post Star.