WGXC-90.7 FM

Radio Roundup

Sep 13, 2014 12:02 am
The Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Club returns from its annual summer vacation with monthly meetings resuming Mon., Sept. 15 A guest speaker, John Fritze, Jr. K2QY the ACACES president, Albany County RACES Radio Officer, ARES ENY DEC Northern District and Hudson Division Assistant Director. Fritze will talk about his "Go Box," currently moving to Ver 2.0 with several upgrades. This unit can be rapidly deployed to serve in an emergency as well as being useful at home. He is also expected to talk about the portable repeater he has built in addition to very tiny, self-contained portable APRS trackers. The September meeting is at the Churchtown Fire House, at 2219 Rte. 27 in Churchtown in Claverack in Columbia County.

Today the Olana Partnership and Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM co-present a new iteration of their award-winning exhibition event Groundswell. Hundreds will converge at Olana State Historic Site for site-specific performance and works and in sound, installation, broadcast, and movement. Over a dozen artists will reflect on and react to Olana and its integral viewshed as an ambitious and early environmental work. See wgxc.org for complete information.
Some important facts:
• Tickets are only available at Olana Saturday, not online.
• Swoon is selling food, but cash only.
• Call 518-512-0518 and leave a message about the event, the viewshed, the Hudson River, whatever, for Steve Bull's "Cellphonia: Groundswell."

Amtrak / Groundswell Shuttle Details
1:30 p.m. Pick-up Amtrak Hudson Train Station (This shuttle will wait for the arrival of train 233 Empire Service)
2 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. On-site shuttle service to bring people from their car to the Groundwell entrance.
6:00 p.m. Drop-off Amtrak Hudson Train Station

WGXC will be holding its Radio Love Pledge Drive Sept. 18-30. The community radio station must raise $35,000 to support its continuing operating expenses. The pledge number to call is 518-697-7400. Or make your tax-deductible donation online at wgxc.org/donate.

WGXC's Fundraising Advisory Committee meeting has been rescheduled to this Monday, Sept. 15, at 5 p.m. at the WGXC Hudson studio, 704 Columbia St., second floor.