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Hunter, other ski resorts in region now open
Nov 20, 2022 1:00 am
Hunter Mountain opened for the season on Sat., Nov. 19. The resort's operations crew have been hard at work for days and starting at 10 a.m., the slopes were opened for advanced-only terrain for skiing and riding off the summit, the resort announced November 18. “We will not have any beginner-only terrain on Saturday,” Hunter Mountain stated. “Our snowmakers have done a fantastic job getting the mountain in shape for [the] first runs of the season and will continue to expand the terrain as weather permits.” The slopes stay open until 4 p.m. Hunter Mountain is owned by Colorado-based Vail Resorts which operates 37 ski resorts in 15 states and three countries. Nearby Windham Mountain snowmaking is underway but no date has been set for opening day. Elsewhere in the region, [Rick Karlin reports in the Times Union](https://www.timesunion.com/business/article/Belleayre-Gore-Whiteface-ski-resorts-as-well-as-17595203.php?IPID=Times-Union-HV-spotlight), the Whiteface, Gore and Belleayre resorts, all operated by the Olympic Regional Development Authority, opened this weekend. Belleayre in the Catskills and Gore in the Adirondacks opened Friday, Whiteface was set to open Saturday with two lifts to the upper mountain operational for a 3,430-vertical-drop run, the highest in the East. In Vermont, Killington and Okemo were set to open as well.