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Company won't build power plant in Ulster County

May 15, 2023 12:41 am

William J. Kemble reports in the Daily Freeman that the Lincoln Park DG LLC has notified Town of Ulster officials that they won't build a 20-megawatt electric generating plant off Frank Sottile Boulevard in Ulster County. The company left a phone message on May 12 without explaining why they were giving up on the plans. Supervisor James Quigley said, “We’ve had suspicions that there were issues with the project for several years.... It goes back to December 2021 when they asked for a refund of all their escrow accounts. It didn’t trigger anything at that time but, in retrospect, that’s a tell.” The project received site plan approval in 2019, after nearly two years of discussions and public controversy. The initial proposal for a 30,022-square-foot building shrunk to 40 smaller structures measuring 40- by-8 feet and set farther away from a residential neighborhood after community criticism. The company did clear about three acres of the 122-acre site, but did not begin construction. The Planning Board approval required that unused land had to be preserved, so now developers are talking with Scenic Hudson about a public use of the property. “It is a parcel that is very, very difficult to develop for anything. I can’t even cut the trees and put solar up there because of the way the ridges are,” Quigley said. Read more about this story in the Daily Freeman.