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Knifepoint robbery in Catskill

Jan 13, 2011 5:52 am
Another local crime caught in its midst yesterday demonstrates the desperation many are feeling with the obstinate economy, especially for those without gainful employment of any kind. This morning's Daily Mail reports on how, "a seemingly desperate man" living in a Catskill motel was arrested for allegedly robbing a nearby Italian restaurant at knifepoint Tuesday night.

Nicholas B. Barcomb, 35, who police said was residing at Peloke’s Motel along Route 23, entered Tori G’s restaurant, opposite the motel on Route 23, around 9:45 p.m. and demanded cash. Barcomb allegedly threatened the clerk with a knife and was given more than $700 in cash, police said. Police believe the motive may have been drug-related.

As the man fled he told the person he'd just robbed that he was headed for Poughkeepsie, after which he caught a taxi to the city of Hudson. The Catskill Police Department received the tip on the suspect’s whereabouts and worked with the Hudson Police Department to apprehend Barcomb Wednesday morning. Barcomb was charged with first-degree robbery, a class B felony, and third-degree criminal possession of a weapon, a class D felony. He now faces up to 25 years in state prison after being arraigned in Catskill Village Court and remanded to the Greene County Jail without bail.