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Chatham voters select supervisor, two board seats
Oct 18, 2023 12:27 am
Emilia Teasdale reports in The Upstater that in Chatham this fall the election pits incumbent Town Supervisor Donal Collins on the Republican and Chatham For All ballot lines against Christopher W. Spencer on the Democratic and Chatham Neighbors lines. Whoever wins is supervisor for the next four years. In the same election there are two town board seats, with Vance Pitkin and Timothy Mackerer on the Republican and Chatham For All ballot lines and John Wapner and Angus Eaton on Democratic and Chatham Neighbors lines. Those town board seats are also for four year terms. Voting this fall takes place from Oct. 28 until Nov. 7. The story also includes quotes and positions from the candidates. Read more about this story in The Upstater.