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Gibson supports legislative term limits, but not pay hikes
Matthew Hamilton is reporting at Capitol Confidential U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson said in a radio interview Sun., Dec. 27, he is not ready to support pay raises in exchange for New York lawmakers working full time. “I’m not ready to sign up for pay raises for legislators right now,” Gibson said. In the conversation with Bill Samuels on 907-AM's Effective Radio, Gibson also said he wants to see term limits on the state Legislature. When Gibson was sworn into the U.S. Congress, the now possible GOP gubernatorial candidate pledged to limit himself to four terms, and he is leaving Congress after serving only three. He said Sunday, “Our first president felt so strongly about term limits that he self-imposed them. I think the reason this is important is the notion of being a self-governing people. We were never meant to have a permanent political class." Gibson said the way to begin is with a governor who will self-impose term limits and then codify the decision into law. The Kinderhook Republican announced in January 2015 he would not seek re-election in 2016. Gibson has not yet committed to a run for governor in 2018. DOWNLOAD or LISTEN to the full Gibson interview as broadcast on 907-AM's Effective Radio (19:45). Read the full story at Capitol Confidential, a Times Union blog.