WGXC-90.7 FM

Audio Feature: This week in News for Rep. John Faso: 20170724

Jul 22, 2017 9:56 am
Here's the week in the news for Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook), the District 19 Congressman for the WGXC listening area. Fivethirtyeight.com currently reports Faso votes with Donald Trump's positions 89.5 percent of his votes. Click here to download or play an audio version of this report.

James Nani reports in the Times Herald-Record that two Democrats running for the Congressional seat currently held by John Faso (R-Kinderhook) raised more money than the incumbent in the last quarter filing period. Greene County Democrat Antonio Delgado of Dutchess County raised $350,950.21 from April 1 to June 30, and now has $590,319.30 in his campaign account. Brian Flynn, 47, of Hunter, raised $573,680.77, during the second quarter, but most of that came from $500,000 Flynn loaned his own campaign. Faso raised $337,096.16 more than the $276,105.58 he raised in the first quarter. Faso spent $110,908.75 during the second quarter, with a $495,875.08 campaign balance, according to Federal Election Commission records. Patrick Ryan raised $213,291.60 and has $205,416.93 on hand. Gareth Rhodes of Ulster County raised $134,962.78 with $125,258.76 in his campaign coffers. Sue Sullivan of Ulster County raised $54,519.77 in the quarter and has $39,882.24 in her account. Steven Brisee of Ulster County raised $6,494.25 with $1,093.01 in his account. Jeffrey Beals of Ulster County has no report filed on FEC website. Dave Clegg of Ulster County filed to run for office after the federal deadline.

Richard Moody in Columbia-Greene Media reports that Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook) is all for the latest budget proposal released by the U.S. House Republican majority July 18 even if it is based on something that might not come true. The House proposal, which claims to balance the budget in ten years, assumes that the Affordable Care Act is repealed and replaced with something that costs the government much less. So far Republicans, despite holding both houses of Congress and the presidency, have been unable to repeal or replace the current healthcare system. “We need serious reforms to get our country back on the right fiscal path, and I believe that is the spirit of this budget proposal,” Faso told the newspaper. Read the full story in HudsonValley360.com.

• Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook) voted to loosen environmental regulations for pipelines this week, but voted against most Republicans on a measure that would lessen ozone regulations. On July 19 Faso voted for the "Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act" with 234 other Republicans on a measure that passed 248-179. The day before he was one of 11 Republicans voting against the "Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2017," which passed 229-199.

Dan Freedman reports in the Albany Times Union that Rep. John Faso's amendment to the Republican plan to cut taxes and healthcare is as dead as the bill. Faso's bill with Western New York Republican Chris Collins would have shifted Medicaid costs from New York counties to the state. "I don't think a Republican-only approach can pass, based on the last six months," Faso said July 20. "I'm intensely practical." Faso also told the paper that he is not worried about Democrats using his support for the bill that cut taxes and healthcare against him in 2018. "Everyone has a First Amendment right, but the country is facing extraordinary financial turmoil and my objective here is to try and do the right thing," he said. "The election is 17 months away." Read the full story in the Albany Times Union.