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Woodstock considering geothermal energy

Mar 23, 2022 12:32 pm

William J. Kemble reports for the Daily Freeman that the Woodstock Town Board is being asked to support a grant application for a study on whether a geothermal system environmental system could heat and cool the town's business district. The town courthouse and police station building … (have) a ground source heat pump,” said Dermot McGuigan, a member of the civic organization Woodstock Transition “Just imagine a system like that’s expanded for an entire block … where the buildings are networked,” he said. “Instead of each building having to go through the cost and expense of having to put in deep boreholes for the ground source heat pump, … there would be an interconnected and shared system.” Supervisor Bill McKenna said the proposal was a possibility. “It’s something that’s worth looking into,” he said. “RUPCO had the advantage of totally new construction so it made it easier to implement. So … this study will tell us (if it) is feasible to do this in other areas.” Read more about this story in the Daily Freeman.