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Concerns raised over Craryville proposal
Nov 17, 2017 12:11 pm
Diane Valden reports in The Columbia Paper that a few residents in Craryville are concerned about a proposed gas station/convenience store that would be located at the intersection of State Route 23, Craryville Road, and County Route 7. The Copake Planning Board is currently looking at the proposal for a 3,240 square-foot store, with 48 parking spaces and three gas pump islands with two-pumps each from GRJH, Inc. The Sharon, CT-based is associated with the Cobble Pond Farms convenience stores/gas stations. Barbara Smith of 405 Craryville Road, in a letter to the Town Board, believes the business will generate increased traffic, “into what is already a very dangerous intersection.” At a Nov. 2 public hearing on the matter 13 Copake and Hillsdale residents spoke, most against the project. Town Supervisor Jeff Nayer said would consider a traffic study for the intersection. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.