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Three vie for two town board seats in Hunter
Raymond Pignone from Columbia-Greene Media rounds up information about the three candidates competing for two spots on the Hunter town board. Dolph Semenza, Ernest Reale, and Andrew Poladian are running for the town board seats this fall through Nov. 2. Semenza is retired, the former owner of The Village Market in Tannersville and is running on the Democratic, Republican, and Conservative ballot lines. He has been on the town board since 2002. He says his top issue "is the town of Hunter is in a real estate growth and our board is trying to balance the new and different types projects — commercial, residential, and recreational." Semenza also said, "I will work to keep the health and safety of residents in the forefront." Reale is a professional tile setter, part-time ski patroller at Hunter Mountain, and property manager and renovator, and running as a Democrat. "I have been attending every town board meeting for the past six months, so I am up to speed on current town issues," he says. "I am recently most proud of running a fundraising campaign to develop the Colonial Trail System, a multi-use trail system off of Allen Lane in Tannersville which opened October 2nd and is already bringing people onto our area to recreate and spend money in our area supporting our local businesses." His main issues: "The biggest issue is and has been for many years, the abandonment of certain properties that dramatically influence the visual perception of our area . Another key issue is balance between the property owners ( the tax payers ) rights and the municipalities possible interjection as to how the properties are allowed to be used." Poladian is running as a Republican, and is a New York State Corrections Officer and Town of Hunter police officer and vice president of the Hunter-Tannersville school board. He did not provide comments to the newspaper about his important issues, or what he would do in office. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.