WGXC-90.7 FM

Columbia County ArtsWalk 2009
Oct 08, 2009 6:10 pm

The 15th annual Columbia County Council on the Arts event runs Oct. 9-18 in various Hudson locations. WGXC is official radio station of the ArtsWalk, and will provide several live web streams of ArtsWalk events, and make other recordings including interviews with artists, and others involved. Tune in at www.wgxc.org
Fri. Oct. 9 at Spotty Dog
6 p.m. Millay Colony writers Melissa Sandor and Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi; visual artists Sabeen Raja, Darren Floyd; and composer Thomas Smith /8:30 p.m. Yukari Roja, Jackson Emmer & Trevor Wilson.
Sat. Oct. 10 at Cannonball Factory
1:30-4:30 writers Philip Gefter, Dave King, Karen Schoemer
Sat. Oct. 10 at Jason's Upstairs
4 p.m.-midnight Slinky Armadillo Art and Music Kids Show; Tommy Sharp; Experiencing Echo with Chelle Mayer and Andrew Joffe; UpStage Productions presents an exerpt from "Gypsy"; Robin O'Herin; Cathy Johanson; Chavisa Woods; HVAPA Belly Dancers & Steve Collins; NoBody Parts (Damara & Ngonda); Hudson City Ramblers; DJ Dizzy
Sun. Oct. 11 at Cannonball Factory
2-4 p.m. with Bindlestiff Circus
Thu. Oct. 15 at Spotty Dog
7 p.m. Hudson Talbott reading/Frank Cuthbert performing from "River of Dreams"
Fri. Oct. 16 at Cannonball Factory
5:30-6:30 p.m. Abby Lappen, Barbara Cobb, Peter Tenerowicz
Fri. Oct. 16 at Marianne Courville Gallery
6 p.m. literary reading incl. Sam Truitt, Irene Mitchell, Mary-Beth Hughes (if internet connection)
Sat. Oct. 17 at Musica
noon-4 p.m. Ngonda Badilla, Damara Rose
Sat. Oct. 17 at Cannonball Factory
1-7 p.m. Carole Maso, Kate McLeod, HVAPA Ballet, Ampersand
Sat. Oct. 17 at Savoia
5-9 p.m. bands by Musica Evan Randall, Mama Lama, Yukari Roja, Bella’s Bartok
Sun. Oct. 17 at Cannonball Factory
1-3:30 p.m. music
Sun. Oct. 18 at Spotty Dog
7 p.m. reading with Rebecca Wolf, Wayne Koestenbaum
For more information: