WGXC-90.7 FM

'Creative Economy' workshop at Hudson Opera House explored business and culture
Dec 08, 2010 12:20 am
[caption id="attachment_4905" align="alignright" width="224" caption="Gary Schiro, Ex. Dir. of Hudson Opera House, and Helen Fruscio, Dir. of Berkshire Creative at Hudson Opera House 121010."]
[/caption]WGXC recorded audio of the "Creative Economy" workshop at Hudson Opera House at 6 p.m. Mon. Dec. 7 with Helena Fruscio, Dir. of Berkshire Creative. Fruscio spoke about her efforts in the Berkshires to support a thriving creative economy of artists and writers and musicians. She was introduced by Col. Cty. Chamber of Comm. Pres. David Colby, Hudson Opera House Exec. Dir. Gary Schiro, and Hudson Common Council Pres. Don Moore. Several other Hudson politicians attended and spoke, as well as other local businesspeople. Listen to an mp3 audio recording by clicking here or copy and pasting the following url into your computer's media player:
