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Greenport Planning Board gives haul road the green light

Aug 23, 2017 7:30 am
Amanda Purcell is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media the Greenport Planning Board Tue., Aug. 22, unanimously approved the proposed A. Colarusso & Son haul road application. The decision came after five members of the audience spoke in favor of the project during a public hearing. Consulting engineer Patrick Prendergast said the necessary approvals for the project have now been received from the state Department of Transportation, but he is awaiting a letter from the state Department of Conservation on the impact the project could have on the South Bay causeway. The haul road project was approved by the Columbia County Planning Board last week. That board has now submitted a seven-page letter to the Greenport board, laying out the reasons for the approval. Following the board vote, Chairman Edward Stiffler opined that the project is not only good for Greenport, it is good for Hudson, as well. The Hudson Planning Board was invited to attend the meeting Tuesday, as a courtesy. However, Hudson Planning Board Chairman Thomas DePietro told the paper Monday the invitation was declined, saying Hudson was not granted a more defining role in the environmental review process. The Hudson Common Council last week voted to set aside $50,000 for attorneys' fees in anticipation of taking legal action in response to the Greenport board's negative declaration following that review. The Colarusso site plan would redirect quarry traffic headed for its dock on the Hudson River from the state highway system and the Hudson city truck route. Note: DePietro is a WGXC volunteer programmer on hiatus through Nov. 7. Read the full story at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.