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CGCC reports cannabis classes are popular
Nancy Kern reports for Columbia-Greene Media that Columbia-Greene Community College's cannabis classes have been a big hit with students since they began last fall. “One of our most popular microcredentials is in cannabis,” said Carlee Drummer, the school’s president. “Cannabis retail sales and cultivation has been an incredibly popular course since the legalization of marijuana.” New York legalized cannabis in April, 2021, and was expected to have many retail stores open by the end of last year. Instead, two stores are currently open in New York City and one in Binghamton. A lawsuit is currently delaying stores opening in five regions of the state, including the Hudson Valley. Even without local cannabis retail locations, the classes are popular. Maureen Sager, the college’s communications director, said, “I think that the cannabis program was a chance for people to see a new career path.... There were so many people during COVID who emerged with a new idea for what to do.” Columbia-Greene Community College reports a 12 percent increase in students this year, and hosts an open house on March 25. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.