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Faso won't return NRA donations
Feb 28, 2018 12:32 pm
Patricia R. Doxsey reports in The Daily Freeman that U.S. Rep John Faso (R-Kinderhook) has no plans to return donations to his campaign from the National Rifle Association, calling calls for that action “a political smear.” Instead, Faso wants Congress to investigate why the FBI failed to act on a tip about the Florida school shooter. Interviewed on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” show, Faso said he supports tightening background checks for gun buyers, increasing the age to purchase a semiautomatic rifle, and outlawing bump stocks, devices that turn semi-automatic rifles into automatic weapons. Faso opposes federal efforts to give teachers guns because “you need intense training in order to carry a firearm in a very difficult situation like you might confront in a school shooting.” But he said each state could decide to give teachers guns. Read the full story in The Daily Freeman.