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Cuomo expects litigation over pay raises
Dec 11, 2018 7:15 am
Ken Lovett is reporting for the Daily News Gov. Cuomo December 10, said he expects the decision to tie pay rates for state lawmakers to various reforms will likely be challenged in court. The four-member pay commission created by Cuomo and the Legislature agreed last week to raise lawmakers' salaries while also restricting outside income and eliminating most stipends. The governor called the commission’s action “good news” even as he said he expects some to sue. “I’m sure there will be a challenge to the commission report because the Republicans in the Legislature don’t want the ban on outside income,” Cuomo said during an appearance on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show.” Cuomo said Democrats can get around the lawsuit by simply passing legislation that does what the commission enacted, which is adopt the congressional model of restricting outside income to 15 percent of the legislative salaries. There is also the question of whether the commission had the authority to restrict outside income or eliminate stipends. “If there’s any question as to the commission’s authority, it’s very simple for them to remedy it, come back in January and pass a separate law that enacts the same congressional limits,” Cuomo said. The governor said Senate Democrats support the idea of limiting outside income. He said the Assembly Democrats back the idea, as well, although they have never said so publicly. Read the full story in the Daily News.