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Comptroller faults Catskill on fiscal operations

Oct 23, 2014 11:37 am
Jim Planck is reporting in The Daily Mail the Office of the State Comptroller's newly released audit of the town of Catskill found inadequate oversight of transactions at the Washington Irving Senior Center, in town purchasing practices, tax payments and establishing professional services. The Comptroller's Office scrutinized nearly 10 years of records and found the senior center director did not issue appropriate receipts for cash collected, and did not hand over funds to the town comptroller as needed. The auditors also determined equipment donations to the center were not properly acknowledged or recorded, and donations valued at nearly $8,000 could not be located. In the town's formal response to the review, Supervisor Joseph Leggio said the town would institute internal controls and "set in place procedures and policies with regard to purchasing, cash receipts, [and] inventory, and assure procurement policies are being followed." The town has 90 days to develop a corrective action plan to address the issues. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.