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Catskill artist to place first outdoor sculpture on CGCC campus
Liz Montgomery reports for Porcupine Soup that Susan Lisbin, a Catskill resident and one of the Ceramics Open Studio students at Columbia-Greene Community College will be the first artist with a permanent outdoor sculpture on the school's campus. The sculpture called "Presence" is taller than most people and almost looks human-like, with two thick legs, and an assortment of protrusions. Lisbin said, “The work was very physical―working with a few hundred pounds of clay and, at times, standing on a table to reach the sculpture.... Each section had to be fired separately with a few strong people lifting the piece into the kiln.” Lisbin donated the sculpture to the college, which will be placed in front of the Arts Building. The sculpture will be dedicated at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 30, and members of the public are welcome to attend. Read more about this story for Porcupine Soup.