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Today's local headlines

Jul 13, 2009 2:17 pm
The Greenville Press (no web site, no links) reports that opponents (read: neighbors) of a proposed motocross track in Durham will sue the town for not applying the town's site plan law.... Sam Pratt's Facebook page reports results of Friday's Taghkanic Democratic caucus: 144 Democrats voted Loretta Hoffman 116 to Betty Young 26 for Town Supervisor; Town Board Seat #1: Thompson 122, Romaine 20; Town Board Seat #2: Kadish 118, Romaine 24; Town Clerk/Collector: Koran 108, Rogers 32; Highway Supervisor: Youhas 113, Waldron 30; Town Justice: Tallackson 119, Dalrymple (not present) 21....Red Hook Democrats this week nominated Bill O’Neill, a registered Republican who served as deputy supervisor under former Democratic Supervisor Marirose Blum Bump, for Town Board and also endorsed Robert McKeon for re-election to a second term on the Town Board, according to The Daily Freeman. McKeon had been a Republican until 2007, but recently switched to the Dems.....The Seeing Greene blog says Darby’s pub in East Durham is slated for sale at a foreclosure auction on August 5.