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Hudson Price Chopper store to close, Shop-Rite to move and expand
Aug 17, 2018 7:30 am
Bill Williams is reporting for WCTW-FM, "The Cat," the Price Chopper supermarket located on Fairview Avenue in Greenport, will close in the early fall. No reason for the closure was given.The company will continue to operate its stores in Chatham and in Catskill. According to Williams, some employees have been promised help finding new employment. At the same time, Shop-Rite will relocate from its current location, at 71 Healy Boulevard in Greenport, into the space currently occupied by Price Chopper and the former thrift store next door, at 351 Fairview Avenue. The new Shop-Rite will have a pharmacy and an auto repair center. That move is expected to occur before the end of 2018. Price Chopper is owned and run by the Golub Corporation, which maintains supermarkets under the Price Chopper, Market 32 and Market Bistro banners in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. The local Shop-Rite is one of 34 stores owned and operated by ShopRite Supermarkets Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of New Jersey-based Wakefern Food Corp. Read the full story at 985thecat.iheart.com