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Strikes mean big losses for Hudson Valley film industry
Paul Kirby reports in the Daily Freeman that the current strikes by writers and actors aren't just hitting Hollywood, as the Hudson Valley Film Commission estimates $25 million in lost spending here. Laurent Rejto, the commission’s executive director, said, “It’s impossible to determine exactly how much revenue has been lost as a result, but it’s safe to estimate it is somewhere around $25 million in terms of direct spending for the region.... The second quarter of 2023 was on par with 2022 numbers at $23 million.” But that estimate does not include indirect spending. “Hotels, restaurants, and equipment houses. Even supply houses like Markertek are affected when film and TV production just comes to a halt,” Rejto said. “Qualified production facilities including Kingston Studios, Michelson Studio 3 in Amenia, Umbra in Newburgh, Upriver in Saugerties, and others remain empty which is a major issue, especially considering the cost that these facilities are faced with in terms of utilities, taxes, staffing, etc.” Pretty Little Liars: Summer School on HBO MAX, and Severance on Apple TV+, would have been filming in the Hudson Valley this summer if not for the strike. Writers and actors are striking for better pay, and not to be replaced by artificial intelligence. Read more about this story in the Daily Freeman.