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Farm Workers bill may pass

Jun 18, 2019 12:12 am
Nick Reisman at New York State of Politics that for more than a decade farm worker advocates have attempted to get agriculture workers the fair pay standards that most other workers are entitled to, in legislation called the Farm Workers Labor Bill. This week, it is now expected to pass, with expanded overtime pay, collective bargaining, and other labor rights for agriculture workers. “This legislation is truly historic,” said Sen. Jen Metzger, a Democrat chairing the Agriculture Committee. “Farm workers have been denied basic rights that the rest of labor has enjoyed for a long time. We got this bill to a place that reflects farming and the economic realities of farming.” Farm owners have complained for years that the bill would drive up food costs. “Farmers will be forced to impose a mandatory day of rest thus decreasing the number of hours farm workers would like to work," the industry coalition, Grow NY Farms said in a statement. "Farm workers will choose to seek a second agricultural job or pursue opportunities in other states,” they claimed. A state court ruled recently allowing collective bargaining rights for farm workers. Read more about this story at New York State of Politics.