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Windham Democrats sue Windham Democratic Chairperson Tom Poelker
Aug 08, 2019 12:47 am
Sarah Trafton reports for Columbia-Greene Media that Democrats Nick Bove and Natasha Shuster are trying to run for town supervisor, and town council, respectively, in Windham. But they say Windham's Democratic Chairperson Tom Poelker is making that difficult for them. Bove and Shuster filed a lawsuit Aug. 6 naming Poelker, the Greene County Board of Elections, and the state Board of Elections as defendants. Poelker scheduled a town caucus for July 24, the day before the deadline for all election paperwork to be turned into the Greene County Board of Elections office. Bove says they both received a clear majority of support from voters at the caucus, where no specific vote numbers are taken. Bove and Shuster met with Poelker on July 25 and he told the candidates that their paperwork would be filed. Greene County Democratic Chairperson Carolyn Riggs said, “I reached out to Mr. Poelker on Thursday to make sure we received the paperwork by the end of business. After multiple attempts, I received no reply.” Election paperwork postmarked on July 25 can be accepted if it is received within two business days. Poelker says he mailed the paperwork on July 27 and it was received on July 30 and blames Shuster for the late arrival. “I called Natasha Shuster, congratulating her, with very specific and clear directions to execute an affidavit of acceptance, signed, notarized and returned to me in a timely fashion for inclusion with other documents to be conveyed to the county Board of Elections,” Poelker said. “Unfortunately, this acceptance letter was never returned to me as directed to include in proper form with other paperwork, as New York State Board of Election Law requires. As a result, the filing was deemed late.” For now, at least, Bove is running for town supervisor on the Independence party line against Republican Thomas Hoyt, and Shuster is running for one of two town council seats on the Independence party line against Republicans Steven Walker and Kurt Goettsche.
Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.