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Columbia County transportation studied
Tiffany Greenwaldt-Simon at HudsonValley360.com that both New York's Department of Transportation and the Columbia County Board of Supervisors have now approved the Columbia County transportation coordination plan. Michael Chameides, Hudson Third Ward supervisor and chair of the Public Transportation Committee, said, “There are some pretty significant changes and improvements to the previous plan." The story does not explain exactly what those changes are, but does cite a study of bus ridership in the county. Chameides said that seniors, people with disabilities, and people without vehicles were the populations most likely to use Columbia County's transportation services and that Hudson, Kinderhook, and Livingston have the most no-vehicle households there. Columbia County public transportation had over 30,000 riders in 2022. The study also says that other transportation agencies in Columbia County use over 100 vehicles with 50 full and part-time staff to make more than 40,000 trips per year. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.