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Bill would give police smartphone access after accidents
Apr 28, 2017 1:40 pm
Rick Karlin reports in The Albany Times Union that a Democrat and a Republican are behind a bill in Albany to allow police to use a sort-of Breathalyzer for distracted drivers. The technology tells police if drivers have been using their smartphones in the moments before a car accident. "We are having more distracted driving accidents than drunk driving,'' said State Sen. Terrence Murphy, a Hudson Valley Republican. Across the aisle, Brooklyn Democrat Assemblyperson Felix Ortiz, said, "Distracted driving impairment is equal to the drinking impairment and needs to be dealt with." Others, though, worry about police access without search warrants. "Enforcing this proposed law would violate people's privacy and could potentially impute guilt for innocent activities," a memo from the New York Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and others, said. Read the full story in The Albany Times Union.