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Ulster is composting more food waste
May 26, 2017 12:02 am
William J. Kemble reports in The Daily Freeman that the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency's composting program is taking in a lot more food waste then it was a year ago. They've made 802.93 tons of compost during the first four months of 2017, up 213 percent. The current Department of Environmental Conservation permit limits the agency to accepting 2,000 tons of food waste per year but the state may consider increasing the limit because composting keeps food waste from the landfills. “It’s the next piece of the puzzle just like e-waste was, just like newspapers and cardboard was, it’s the next step that everybody should be doing,” operations Director Charlie Whittaker said. “The idea is to stop food waste from going to landfills, stop filling landfill space, whether it be wood chips, whether it be food waste, whether it be rock, brick and dirt.” Read the full story in The Daily Freeman.