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Today's local headlines
Jul 22, 2009 5:10 am
Proposal leaves DSS in Hudson
From The Register-Star
Copake Green project set to sprout again
From CCScoop
Medical center, bank storage get green light
From The Daily Mail
Copake opts for outside budget review
From The Columbia Paper
Court Sides With GOP On Ravitch, Paterson Vows To Appeal
From The Daily News' The Daily Politics
From The Register-Star
HUDSON - Columbia County Board of Supervisors Chairman Art Baer (R-Hillsdale) and Hudson Mayor Rick Scalera stood together at a press conference Tuesday and announced a new proposal that would keep the Department of Social Services in Hudson. The county would buy the One City Centre building on the corner of State and Green streets in Hudson; departments currently in the County Office Buildings at 401 and 610 State Street would move to City Centre. The total square footage of 401 and 610 State Street is 36,000 square feet, 24,000 at 401 and 12,000 at 610 State Street. DSS would stay in its current building on Railroad Avenue for the duration of its lease, which ends in 2011; and then move to One City Centre. Baer called the proposal “a great solution for a difficult problem” and said “I’m looking forward to implementing it.” “The logistics of the planning -- there’s a lot to discuss,” said Scalera. “The commitment to keep DSS in the city of Hudson is what we’ve been working for.” Baer previously opposed such a plan, but switched positions because of falling real estate values. The Register-Star says One City Centre was going for $5 million last year, but now is selling for $2 million. “This is not a done deal,” Baer said. “We are only in discussion with the bank. There are still many pieces that have to be put together in the puzzle.”
Copake Green project set to sprout again
From CCScoop
COPAKE - Large developers bring big projects to small towns in this area, and often get special treatment. Like in Copake last week, where Housing Resources Executive Director Kevin O'Neill got to re-introduce his 139-unit Copake Green project to a Copake Planning Board meeting even though he was not on the agenda. From the CCscoop story:"Although O’Neill did not request to be put on the agenda ten days in advance of the meeting — the Planning Board requirement — [Planning Board Chairman Marcia] Becker explained that, because there was a light agenda in July and because Housing Resources owns land in the town, she believed allowing O’Neill to make his twenty-minute presentation was the right thing to do.'It caused an uproar that we let him speak. . . . So from now on we are adhering to the ten-day rule,' Becker said."
Medical center, bank storage get green light
From The Daily Mail
CATSKILL - The Catskill Planning Board approved site plans for the 3,000 square-foot Urgent Care facility proposed for Grandview Avenue and for a Bank of Greene County storage facility on Windsor Street after hearing brief presentations on each proposal. The medical facility used Architect Josh Pulver, a relative of planning board member Michelle Pulver. She recused herself when it came to the vote, but as an anonymous reader commented on the story, "Nothing assures the approval of a project better than hiring the relative of a judge and town planner as your architect, and paying him astronomical fees."
Copake opts for outside budget review
From The Columbia Paper
COPAKE--The Copake Town Board hired a second accountant to make sure the first accountant's figures of a estimated $175,000 budget shortfall are correct. “We all agree that our first course of action should be an independent audit to verify the numbers or find out if they are not correct. We have to know where we are,” Town Supervisor Reggie Crowley told the audience at the Town Board's regular monthly meeting July 9.
Court Sides With GOP On Ravitch, Paterson Vows To Appeal
From The Daily News' The Daily Politics
ALBANY - State Supreme Court Justice William R. LaMarca granted the Republican Party's motion for a preliminary injunction that prevents just-appointed Lt. Govenor Richard Ravitch from "exercising any of the powers" of the LG's office, pending a final judgment, noting there is no provision in the Constitution that allows the governor to appoint a replacement LG when a vacancy occurs in that office.