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Chatham Central voters reject $13.8 capital project
Nov 20, 2013 7:02 am
On Tues., Nov. 19, voters in the Chatham Central School District overwhelmingly rejected a resolution to authorize a $13.8 million capital project, a key part of the district’s proposed consolidation plan. Katie Kocijanski reports in the Register Star a total of 1,149 district residents went to the polls -- 668 voted against and 481 voted in favor of the measure., with 38 absentee ballots still to be counted* Board of Education President Melony Spock said the vote was a clear indication the plan was not something the community could support, but, she said, the consolidation of schools will move forward nonetheless. PLAY (:28) Superintendent Cheryl Nuciforo said the district will spend time over the coming weeks deciding what comes next. PLAY (:12) Chatham Central parent Wayne Coe called the outcome a "vindication" for referendum foes. PLAY (:13) Under the consolidation plan, Chatham Middle School will be closed and consolidated with the high school, making Chatham a one-campus district. The bond would have financed a build-out of Chatham High School and the Mary E. Dardess Elementary School, including the addition of a gymnasium, an orchestra room and fitness center, as well as classroom and cafeteria renovations.
*Correction: Absentee ballots were counted Tuesday night.
*Correction: Absentee ballots were counted Tuesday night.