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State to lower speed on Route 203
Nov 12, 2018 12:04 am
Emilia Teasdale in The Columbia Paper reports that the state has agreed to reduce the speed limit on Route 203 from the Village of Valatie to the Village of Chatham from 55 mph to 50 mph. The state Department of Transportation alerted Kinderhook and Chatham by letter last week about the change. “I’m so glad that that happened,” Chatham Village Mayor Tom Curran said at the town's Nov. 8 meeting. Chatham resident Christy Collins started efforts to lower the speed of cars because Route 203 is often used by pedestrians to get to the Mac-Haydn Theatre, Edgewood Acres Mobile Home Park, and as a shortcut to Chatham High School. Town board members agreed and asked the state. The letter from the DOT said the change could be made by the end of December. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.