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Hudson Development Corporation won't let public attend meetings in person
Aliya Schneider reports for Columbia-Greene Media that even though the state now mandates in person public meetings the Hudson Development Corporation continues to meet only virtually. “After June 24, 2021, the city of Hudson will no longer be able to conduct virtual meetings pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order 202.1,” the city wrote in a statement on its website. “Any meeting of a public body conducted after June 24, 2021, may only be conducted pursuant to the New York State Open Meetings Law. Specifically, the public must be allowed to attend meetings of public bodies in person.” But HDC President Robert Rasner said July 6 that the board won't allow the public to attend its meetings because the air conditioner in its 1 North Front St. meeting space is broken. The city has many other spaces where the Hudson Development Corporation could meet. Rasner says he has not decided whether not allowing citizens to attend a public meeting is legal. “We have not determined that as of now,” Rasner said. “That question will be resolved prior to our July board meeting in order that we are in compliance.” The next Hudson Development Corporation meeting is July 27. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.