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Inspector General report finds Blacks, Hispanics face more discipline in NYS prisons
The Troy Record reports that a long-term analysis of the administration of discipline in the State’s Department of Corrections and Community Supervision shows that Black and Hispanic incarcerated people are more likely than their White counterparts to face additional punishment behind bars. “There is no doubt that the criminal justice system is just one of many systems that have a devastatingly disproportionate impact on New Yorkers of color,” New York State Inspector General Lucy Lang said. “Sadly, as reflected by the six years of data in our Report, although racial disparities may not start at the prison gates, unfortunately they also do not end there." The report found that Black incarcerated individuals are more than 22 percent more likely to be issued Misbehavior Report than a White prisoner, while Hispanic prisoners are 12 percent more likely to get a Misbehavior Report. The report found the racial disparities increased slightly between 2017 and 2019, and then increased significantly in 2020, when Black and Hispanic prisoners were nearly 38 percent and 29 percent more likely than White incarcerated individuals to be issued a Misbehavior Report. The Inspector General recommended to DOCCS requiring annual anti-bias training for all staff, capturing and analyzing additional data about disciplinary processes, publication of data that can be cross-referenced with demographic data, expanding the use of centralized hearing officers, and expanding the use of fixed camera systems within all correctional facilities across the State to improve the problem. Read more about this story in the Troy Record.