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NY AG, in Kingston, talks resistance
Jun 24, 2017 12:05 am
William J. Kemble reports in The Daily Freeman that State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman spoke to about 115 anti-Trump activists in Kingston at City Hall for Citizens Action of New York June 22. “What’s very clear is that people here and people all across America clearly are fed up with the status quo from both the Democratic and Republican parties,” Schneiderman, a Democrat, said. Schneiderman has prosecuted the president over Trump University, with Trump agreeing to pay $25 million to former customers of a real estate course. He told activists upset with the president to work locally. “The first line of defense and the first line of progressive change in the Trump era really is to be active at the state level,” Schneiderman said. “State governors, attorneys general, legislatures are going to be tremendously important. So never take your eye off that ball as we move forward.” Schneiderman refused to take non-screened questions from the audience or press at the event. Read the full story in The Daily Freeman.