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Greene sheriff ready to move into new digs
Feb 21, 2019 12:45 pm
Sarah Trafton is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media Greene County officials said Feb. 19, Sheriff Greg Seeley will soon move his office into the newly renovated office space at 370 Mansion Street in Coxsackie. The department will be headquartered at that location for three years while the new county jail is being built. The new space must be inspected by the state before the move can take place, but representatives of the state Commission of Corrections postponed their inspection of the space Feb. 12 due to the snowstorm, Greene County Administrator Shaun Groden said. A new date for the inspection has not been set. Chairman of the Legislature's Public Safety Committee, Cairo Republican William Lawrence, is dismayed about the setback. “It’s not happening as quickly as we hoped,” he said. “Once we move, then we get to tear the old jail down.” The former jail on West Bridge Street in Catskill was closed April 20 after it was declared unsafe. The jail and existing sheriff’s office will be demolished, and the historic carriage house on the property will remain intact. The sheriff’s civil office is now located in the records room of the Greene County Office Building on Main Street in Catskill. A second civil office will be built with the new jail in Coxsackie, Seeley said. The sheriff’s office is also working on establishing a new satellite office in the former Durham Elementary School on Route 145. The department already maintains satellites in Prattsville, Ashland and New Baltimore. Read the full story at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.