WGXC-90.7 FM

Common Council committee chairs need homework help
Jun 05, 2019 1:00 pm
Amanda Purcell is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media some minutes of various Hudson Common Council committee meetings have not been submitted and made a part of the public record. Common Council President Tom DePietro fears that information is likely lost. The recording and submission of those minutes to the City Clerk is the responsibility of committee chairs. DePietro said at the council's May formal meeting that he is thinking about hiring a secretary to take notes and write up the minutes of committee meetings given council members' failure to provide thorough and accurate accounts for the record. DePietro is looking into several options, including the purchase of recording devices for use by committee chairs. The list of committee chairman not in compliance includes First Ward Alderman Kamal Johnson, Second Ward Alderwoman Tiffany Garriga, Fourth Ward Alderman John Rosenthal and Fifth Ward Alderman Dominic Merante. In an informal poll conducted during the May meeting, DePietro asked committee chairs to declare their preference for handling the note-taking: four of the seven offered to keep their own minutes, while three expressed a preference for a secretary. NOTE: DePietro and Johnson are WGXC volunteer on-air hosts. Both are currently on political hiatus.Read the full story at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.