WGXC-90.7 FM

Chatham addiction program gets help

Apr 27, 2017 12:05 am
Emilia Teasdale reports in The Columbia Paper that the county Department of Social Services will reimburse mileage for the Chatham Cares 4U program. In the program, anyone can come to the Chatham Police station in the Village Hall and request help with an addiction to opiates and will be immediately screened into the program. Drugs are confiscated, but no arrests are made. At the April 13 Chatham village Police Chief Peter Volkmann said that the county would reimburse the village for up to $6,000 in mileage expenses for the program. Volkmann also said about $3,000 in private donations have come in for the program, and another group, Columbia Pathways to Recovery, is starting a help line for people to find out information about treatment for addiction. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.