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Food distribution to take place at Columbia County Fairgrounds, Aug. 31
Aug 25, 2020 1:15 pm
The Columbia Paper is reporting a drive-thru food distribution will be held August 31, at the Columbia County Fairgrounds, located at 182 Hudson Avenue in Chatham. The distribution will begin at 10 a.m. and continue until the food is gone. Participants are asked to use the Route 66 entrance. Households will receive fresh fruits and vegetables, and dairy products, as well as canned and frozen food. The organizers emphasize that no one should arrive ahead of time. Arriving early will generate traffic and large crowds, they say. Everyone is expected to wear a mask and stay in their vehicle. Anyone on foot is directed to practice social distancing. Following these instructions will allow the volunteers to distribute the food safely and quickly. This is the second drive-thru food distribution organized by Catholic Charities, the Northeast Regional Food Bank, the Chatham Silent Pantry, and the Valatie and Ghent Pantries. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.