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Common Council considering new cop residency rules
Rosa Acheson is reporting in the Register-Star a new local law has been proposed that would amend the residency requirements for Hudson police officers. The proposal, sent to the Hudson Common Council on May 8, would allow officers to live anywhere within 20 linear miles of the closest city boundary. That would make it possible for residents of Greene and Dutchess counties to work for the Hudson Police Department, Police Committee Chairman Henry Haddad said Tue., May 23. “It’s basically from Coxsackie to Hillsdale — from Catamount to the Catskill Game Farm — and from Red Hook to pretty much the top of Columbia County,” Haddad said. The new measure would expand the department's hiring pool by approximately 60,000 people, Haddad said. The existing law allows police officers to live anywhere within 15 miles of the city. If Common Council approves the measure, the mayor will next hold a public hearing. Read the full story in the Register-Star.