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Local pols want Russian election involvement investigated; senators want Sessions to resign

Mar 03, 2017 12:02 am
Congressional representatives of people who live in the Hudson Valley released statements March 2 about investigations into Russian interference in the recent presidential election in the United States. Congressman John Faso (R-Kinderhook) issued a statement that was little more than what he has said before: “An investigation into Russia’s influence on the 2016 election must be handled in a secure manner so that our vital national security information is not leaked and used against us by our enemies. I believe that the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is the most appropriate venue to do that and I am encouraged that both the committee’s Republican and Democratic members agreed to proceed with a deeper investigation into these allegations.” While Faso wants to keep things secret, New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand released much more specific statements after revelations that Attorney General Jeff Sessions did not answer a question at his confirmation hearing accurately. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wants Sessions to resign after reports that Sessions spoke to Russia's ambassador twice last year, while Sessions was working as a top adviser and surrogate for Donald Trump's presidential campaign. "There cannot be even the scintilla of doubt about the impartiality and fairness of the attorney general, the top law enforcement official of the land," Schumer said. "Because the Department of Justice should be above reproach, for the good of the country Attorney General Sessions should resign." On Twitter, Kirsten Gillibrand said, "It's clear that A[ttorney] G[eneral] Sessions gave false testimony under oath at his hearing. This should disqualify him from leading the Justice Department. I'm calling for a special prosecutor and a 9/11 style commission to get to the bottom of Russia's ties to the Trump admin and election hacking."