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Ulster sheriff gets criticism for call to arms

Dec 06, 2015 12:03 am
Patricia Doxsey in The Daily Freeman reports that while Ulster County Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum may want to enlist 10,000 Ulster County gun owners, others in Ulster County aren't so comfortable asking all citizens to bring their guns when going out, in case they need to help the police. That was the message Van Blarcum posted on the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page Dec. 3. “In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world, I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to PLEASE DO SO,” the Democrat wrote. The post was shared by 12,000 people and was mentioned in national news broadcasts. A petition was posted on the website of change.org by Tim Hunter of Gardiner with the heading, “Ulster County Sheriff Van Blarcum ... Change Your Mind or Change Your Job.” County Legislator Ken Wishnick wrote online to Van Blarcum, “I believe that encouraging ALL license holders to carry their weapons at all times is both misguided and scary." Ulster County District Attorney Holley Carnright also posted a message online, writing, “Though I fully support our right to bear arms and to defend ourselves, I am not convinced more guns in the hands of untrained or unskilled civilians is the answer ... nor do I believe does the sheriff,” the prosecutor wrote. “I discourage anyone from misreading the sheriff’s comments.” Ulster County Executive Michael Hein and Kingston Police Chief Egidio Tinti did not call the paper back with a comment. Read the full story in The Daily Freeman.