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Water issues - and conferences - everywhere
Apr 12, 2011 3:16 pm
The Watershed Post reports on the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program's annual Ashokan Watershed Conference held Saturday, April 9 and its region-wide subject: "Flood Resilience for Towns, Businesses and Landowners." Julia Reischel focuses on talk of the effects of climate change on weather, "extreme precipitation events," and flooding. "Storms are getting more severe, rainfall is getting heavier, droughts are getting dryer, and flooding is getting worse," she summarizes a speech by Dan Zarrow, a meteorologist at Cornell University's Northeast Regional Climate Center seen in the above video. "The northeast US is the most sensitive region of the country to climate-change induced-extreme precipitation increases," according to Zarrow. He added that the Climate Center's new interactive website, www.precip.net, says that "100-year-storms" now happen about once every 50 years.
Meanwhile, the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Dutchess County will be hosting a Science and Management Forum on Regional Freshwater Issues, on Saturday, April 16 from 9am to noon. Attendees will be provided with insight into the state of our groundwater supplies, ways of protecting sensitive wetlands, and pressures that threaten freshwater ecosystems, including pollution, development practices, and invasive species. Special attention will be given to green infrastructure and stormwater management, as well as some of the same climate change issues that came up at the Ashokan Conference. The forum is free and open to the public, but RSVP is required. Participants can register online at www.caryinstitute.org/freshwater.html or call (845) 677-7600 x171. The last two Science and Management Forums filled to capacity; early registration is recommended.