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Radio News: Wyden will attempt to roll back 'Rule 41'
May 12, 2016 11:24 pm
Gizmodo reports that Senator Ron Wyden will introduce legislation next week that would roll back the government's new broader hacking power granted by the Supreme Court in April. The "Rule 41" allows federal judges to grant warrants to the FBI to use what they call “Network Investigative Techniques.” Anyone who has had their computer invaded would call that malware, and the government can use that malware on 10 or 10,000 computers, no matter the jurisdiction of those computers. And the rule allows judges to give warrants to search the computers of victims of cybercrime, even if that person isn't a suspect. “By compromising computer systems, it could leave it open to other attackers. What if the government has to turn off the computer’s protections to search it?,” Wyden told Gizmodo. “So if the government is out there turning of millions of security features in order to search computers, my view is that there could be some serious security threats.” Wyden's legislation will be just one sentence, saying that the changes to rule 41 will not go into effect. Congress has six months to pass such a measure before the rule change takes effect.