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Nicolli calls on Amedore to return developer money
Matthew Hamilton is reporting at Capitol Confidential state Sen. George Amedore's representatives said Wed., Sept. 28, the senator does not plan to return campaign cash received to date from prominent Albany developer Joe Nicolla, despite his role in a state political scandal. Nicolla is facing state bid-rigging charges along with now-suspended SUNY Polytechnic Institute President and CEO Alain Kaloyeros. Democratic 46th Senate District candidate Sara Niccoli’s campaign has called on Republican Amedore to return more than $30,000 in Nicolla donations received by his campaigns since 2012. Niccoli said in a statement released Wednesday, “Not only was George hand-picked to run for the Senate by convicted felon Dean Skelos, he was even drawn his own special district and lavished with millions of dollars from downstate party bosses. ... The Nicolla donations are simply the latest example of Senator Amedore being funded by corrupt special interests, and I urge George to do the right thing and return these tainted dollars.” Amedore campaign spokesperson Eileen Miller responded immediately, saying it is “absurd” to question the senator’s integrity after he was among the first to call on Skelos, the convicted former Senate Republican majority leader, to step down. Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign this week announced it will quarantine approximately $177,000 in donations received from contributors who have been charged in federal court with bribery and corruption. That sum included $11,000 donated by Nicolla, although he has not been charged by federal prosecutors. Read the full story at Capitol Confidential.