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Two Greenville citizens want to ban library books
Nancy Kern Columbia-Greene Media that cancel culture has come to Greenville, with one citizen, Amanda Calvo, demanding the banning of George M. Johnson’s 2020 memoir, “All Boys Aren’t Blue” from the school library. But Calvo and Kellie Wolf said at a recent school board meeting that there were other books that needed removing from the school library. Greenville Board of education members did not respond to their comments during the meeting. Greenville School District Superintendent Michael Bennett later said, “[The school’s] responsibility isn’t to ban books but to offer books.... If we bring our personal opinions into [book selection] we negate others. My personal opinion does not play into public education. I think the unfortunate thing is that there’s much more to that book and a lot more in the set-up of that passage.” Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.