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Residents discuss Colgate Lake wilderness area with DEC
Nov 18, 2016 11:34 am
Daniel Zuckerman reports in The Daily Mail that many concerned citizens spoke about the the Colgate Lake wild forest unit and the Windham Blackhead Range wilderness unit at a Nov. 14 Department of Environmental Conservation meeting at the Mountain Top Library in Tannersville. Many spoke about crowded conditions at Colgate Lake. "I don’t want to see Coney Island in the Catskills," said Nera Cruz. "It’s just a mess and if you actually see it, it is really Coney Island.... This past Fourth of July, it was the worse I have ever seen." East Jewett Fire Chief Jeff Loucks was also concerned about the increase of traffic there. "You can’t get an ambulance up through Colgate Lake; cars are parked all over the road," he said. "There has to be some control of how many people can be at Colgate Lake." Nick Bove, president and founder of the Windham Area Recreation Foundation, said he wants to see mountain bike trails connect to one another from Dutcher’s Notch to Round Top, circling Colgate Lake. He compared biking trails to antique shops, in that both can help rural economies. "If there’s 28 antique shops in that little town, then people come from all over to go antique shopping there," he said. "It creates a draw and it creates an economy; we don’t have Lake George in the Catskills." Ernie Reali, of East Jewett, said, "We’re concerned about Colgate Lake and its use, but at the same time we understand that people want to come up here," he said. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.