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Audio Feature: Mar. 9 Hudson Planning Board Meeting
Mar 10, 2017 8:30 am
Listen or download audio (1:47:38) of the Hudson Planning Board meeting held Thu., Mar. 9. Includes public hearings on the 124 N. Second Street, 34 Allen Street, 6-12 Hudson Avenue and 886 Columbia Street applications. (Meeting outline with times below.) Recorded by Jess Puglisi.
Hudson Planning Board
Thu., Mar. 9, 6:30 pm, City Hall
Call to order
Public hearings:
124 North Second Street
Whitethorne LLC, Hawthorne Valley
Public comments
34 Allen Street
Jason Wyckoff, project manager for Tony Stone
6-12 Hudson Avenue
Row houses
Walter Chatham
886 Columbia Street
Regular meeting opens
Minutes approved for February
Minutes for January approved
Discussion of public applications
124 North Second Street
Application approved
34 Allen Street
Application accepted; approved.
6-12 Hudson Avenue
Application accepted; approved.
886 Columbia Street
Application approved.
51 N. 5th Street
New application. Jason O’Toole for Galvan Foundation
Coarc Daycare center
45:30 Possible tear-down of Short Street structure to make room for parking.
48:00 Conditional use, pending better answer to parking question.
Colarusso & Son haul road project narrative
50:30 Morris and Associates recusal. Zoning issue regarding dock.
1:05:51 Pat Prendegast, consulting engineer for Colarusso.
1:07:10 Cross section of causeway. Review of historic photos of area.
1:13:00 Key concerns: Figures missing like total land area impact and truck traffic.
1:20:00 Historic versus anticipated activity.
1:25:30 Potential expansion; increased truck traffic. Trucks off city streets versus all streets.
1:30:49 Off-road alternative. Increase in waterfront activity.
1:33:30 Economic impact.
1:35:31 Payroll, property taxes, etc.
1:39:40 Hudson's role is site plan review. Is this highest and best use? Has Colarusso reviewed land for highest and best use?
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Hudson Planning Board
Thu., Mar. 9, 6:30 pm, City Hall
Call to order
Public hearings:
124 North Second Street
Whitethorne LLC, Hawthorne Valley
Public comments
34 Allen Street
Jason Wyckoff, project manager for Tony Stone
6-12 Hudson Avenue
Row houses
Walter Chatham
886 Columbia Street
Regular meeting opens
Minutes approved for February
Minutes for January approved
Discussion of public applications
124 North Second Street
Application approved
34 Allen Street
Application accepted; approved.
6-12 Hudson Avenue
Application accepted; approved.
886 Columbia Street
Application approved.
51 N. 5th Street
New application. Jason O’Toole for Galvan Foundation
Coarc Daycare center
45:30 Possible tear-down of Short Street structure to make room for parking.
48:00 Conditional use, pending better answer to parking question.
Colarusso & Son haul road project narrative
50:30 Morris and Associates recusal. Zoning issue regarding dock.
1:05:51 Pat Prendegast, consulting engineer for Colarusso.
1:07:10 Cross section of causeway. Review of historic photos of area.
1:13:00 Key concerns: Figures missing like total land area impact and truck traffic.
1:20:00 Historic versus anticipated activity.
1:25:30 Potential expansion; increased truck traffic. Trucks off city streets versus all streets.
1:30:49 Off-road alternative. Increase in waterfront activity.
1:33:30 Economic impact.
1:35:31 Payroll, property taxes, etc.
1:39:40 Hudson's role is site plan review. Is this highest and best use? Has Colarusso reviewed land for highest and best use?
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.