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Ulster County, and the Hudson Valley, top list of destinations for New Yorkers changing addresses
Cloey Callahan reports for the Times Union that more New Yorkers moved to the Hudson Valley in 2021 than to any other part of the state, according to a newly released annual survey by Piece of Cake Moving and Storage. Ulster County saw 329 percent more people move into the county than out of it last year, the report said. “It was surprising, especially because in 2020 we’ve had a great number of moves and Florida was one of the most popular destinations,” said Vojin Popovic, CEO of Piece of Cake Moving and Storage. “So, seeing in the last year that more people moved to Ulster County on a percentage basis was a surprise for us.” And Greene, Dutchess, Orange, Columbia, and Sullivan counties also had triple-digit percentages of new transplants moving in versus locals moving out, among the highest in the state. The moving company admits that some second homeowners are included in these statistics. “People figured out for themselves that they don’t have to essentially be in the city, but they still like to stay close to the city,” he said. “That’s why we’ve seen great growth in number of moves to the Hudson Valley.” And while many people moved to the Hudson Valley from New York City since the pandemic began, some have returned. “A great number of moves went back to the city too,” Popovic said. Read more about this story in the Times Union.