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Tuesday is final day of voting
Aug. 23 is the final day of voting for the 19th Congressional special election and a Congressional primary election for Democrats. Democrat Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan and Republican Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro are on the special election ballot to finish out the final weeks of Antonio Delgado's term in office. Democrats Jamie Cheney and Josh Riley are competing for the nomination to run for the new 19th Congressional District in November. Incumbent Paul Tonko and challenger Rostislav Rar are in a primary election among Democrats in the current 20th Congressional District. Matt Castelli and Matthew Putorti are the Democrats in the 21st Congressional District primary, hoping to take on Republican incumbent Elise Stefanik in the general election. And Democrats Aisha Mills, Moses Mugulusi, and Pat Ryan are on the primary ballot in the new 18th Congressional District. Polls are open from from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. for voting on Aug. 23.