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$50,000 for local arts groups
Jan 11, 2012 12:02 am
Columbia County Council on the Arts (CCCA) and Greene County Council on the Arts are pleased to announce the recipients of regrant awards through the Community Arts Grants Decentralization (DEC) Program for Columbia, and Greene. Columbia County was awarded $27,100 and Greene County $20,000 in funding in support of cultural programming and activities for 2012. Each county was also awarded a $2000 Individual Artist award.
Greene County received requests from organizations totaling $42,327 – twice the amount of available funding. Fifteen applicants received $20,000 for Project Support. They are: Athens Cultural Arts Center for a summer sculpture festival and decorative arts exhibition; Athens Cultural Arts Center, Lisa Thomas & Margo Pelletier for an Animation Film Festival with guest artists; Cairo Public Library for multi-disciplinary arts programs; Catskill Community Center & Matt Bua for a sculptural fence for the Catskill Community Garden; Catskill Community Center & Dina Bursztyn for ceramic workshops for children, teens, and adults; Community of Windham Foundation & John Quinn for production of a one-act play “Dear Amelia” to be presented at the Civil War Weekend in Windham; D.R. Evarts Library for Vision, Voice & Hands multi-arts programs; Dragonfly Performing Arts Center for performances of Charlotte’s Web at Gallaghers in Cairo; Heart of Catskill & David Woodin for classical music concert by Catskill Community Orchestra; Love ‘N Care Pet Sanctuary & Margo Muller for “Water, Water Everywhere!” - a children’s theater project about the power of water from the ice industry to Hurricane Irene’s aftermath produced with support from the Zadock Pratt Museum, photographer Larry Gambon, and Praatsville community members; Mountain Top Historical Society & Elaine Warfield for swing dance lessons & live band performance in Tannersville; Oak Hill Preservation Association for presenters for Oak Hill Day; Schoharie Creek Players for production of Dancing at Lughnasa; Town of Hunter & Kevin VanHentenryck for outdoor stone carving class & demonstration on Route 23; and Windham Public Library for arts activities.
Columbia County received requests from organizations totaling $62,116 – more than twice the amount of available funding. Twenty-one organizations received $27,100 for DEC Project Support, which includes organizations that act as a conduit (fiscal manager). They are: Claverack Library for graphic novel workshop for teens with Barbara Slade; COARC for dance training with Debra Hughes for disabled adults and public performance; Columbia Arts Team for teen songwriter workshop and showcase; Hudson Area Library for Black History Celebration & Celebration of the Arts; Hudson Area Library & Diata Diata International Folkloric Theatre for production of “Revival of the Fittest 2: International” an original dance & theatrical production; Hudson Chamber Opera for performance/conversation series & master class; Hudson Jazzworks for master class, pre-concert talk & improvisational jazz concert at Hudson Opera House; HRC/Showcase Theatre for staged readings of original plays; Hudson Valley Choral Society for musicians for 2012 concerts; North Chatham Library for literature & arts series; North Chatham Library & Sheri Bauer-Mayorga for Cross River Youth Corale vocal ensemble; Philmont Beautification, Inc for “Connecting the Dots” exhibit, artist workshops & signage; Philmont Library for evenings of outdoor music; PS21, Inc. for dance residency, workshops & performance “Dances for a Variable Population”; Reformed Protestant Church of Kinderhook for classical choral & organ concerts at Kinderhook Church; Roeliff Jansen Community Library & Robin Becker of Columbia Chamber Players for Indian, fusion & classical concerts; Roving Actors Repertory Ensemble for production of “Next to Normal” & “Chicago”; Spencertown Academy & Bend the Knotted Oak for chamber music concerts with art & dialogue; Taconic Stage Company & Sharon Powers for ensemble concerts at the Church of St John in the Wilderness in Copake Falls; Uel Wade Music Scholarship, Inc & Bend the Knotted Oak for chamber music concerts with art & dialogue; Valatie Community Theatre for Youth Theater productions; and Valatie Free Library for graphic novel workshops for teens.
Greene County received requests from organizations totaling $42,327 – twice the amount of available funding. Fifteen applicants received $20,000 for Project Support. They are: Athens Cultural Arts Center for a summer sculpture festival and decorative arts exhibition; Athens Cultural Arts Center, Lisa Thomas & Margo Pelletier for an Animation Film Festival with guest artists; Cairo Public Library for multi-disciplinary arts programs; Catskill Community Center & Matt Bua for a sculptural fence for the Catskill Community Garden; Catskill Community Center & Dina Bursztyn for ceramic workshops for children, teens, and adults; Community of Windham Foundation & John Quinn for production of a one-act play “Dear Amelia” to be presented at the Civil War Weekend in Windham; D.R. Evarts Library for Vision, Voice & Hands multi-arts programs; Dragonfly Performing Arts Center for performances of Charlotte’s Web at Gallaghers in Cairo; Heart of Catskill & David Woodin for classical music concert by Catskill Community Orchestra; Love ‘N Care Pet Sanctuary & Margo Muller for “Water, Water Everywhere!” - a children’s theater project about the power of water from the ice industry to Hurricane Irene’s aftermath produced with support from the Zadock Pratt Museum, photographer Larry Gambon, and Praatsville community members; Mountain Top Historical Society & Elaine Warfield for swing dance lessons & live band performance in Tannersville; Oak Hill Preservation Association for presenters for Oak Hill Day; Schoharie Creek Players for production of Dancing at Lughnasa; Town of Hunter & Kevin VanHentenryck for outdoor stone carving class & demonstration on Route 23; and Windham Public Library for arts activities.
Columbia County received requests from organizations totaling $62,116 – more than twice the amount of available funding. Twenty-one organizations received $27,100 for DEC Project Support, which includes organizations that act as a conduit (fiscal manager). They are: Claverack Library for graphic novel workshop for teens with Barbara Slade; COARC for dance training with Debra Hughes for disabled adults and public performance; Columbia Arts Team for teen songwriter workshop and showcase; Hudson Area Library for Black History Celebration & Celebration of the Arts; Hudson Area Library & Diata Diata International Folkloric Theatre for production of “Revival of the Fittest 2: International” an original dance & theatrical production; Hudson Chamber Opera for performance/conversation series & master class; Hudson Jazzworks for master class, pre-concert talk & improvisational jazz concert at Hudson Opera House; HRC/Showcase Theatre for staged readings of original plays; Hudson Valley Choral Society for musicians for 2012 concerts; North Chatham Library for literature & arts series; North Chatham Library & Sheri Bauer-Mayorga for Cross River Youth Corale vocal ensemble; Philmont Beautification, Inc for “Connecting the Dots” exhibit, artist workshops & signage; Philmont Library for evenings of outdoor music; PS21, Inc. for dance residency, workshops & performance “Dances for a Variable Population”; Reformed Protestant Church of Kinderhook for classical choral & organ concerts at Kinderhook Church; Roeliff Jansen Community Library & Robin Becker of Columbia Chamber Players for Indian, fusion & classical concerts; Roving Actors Repertory Ensemble for production of “Next to Normal” & “Chicago”; Spencertown Academy & Bend the Knotted Oak for chamber music concerts with art & dialogue; Taconic Stage Company & Sharon Powers for ensemble concerts at the Church of St John in the Wilderness in Copake Falls; Uel Wade Music Scholarship, Inc & Bend the Knotted Oak for chamber music concerts with art & dialogue; Valatie Community Theatre for Youth Theater productions; and Valatie Free Library for graphic novel workshops for teens.