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Cairo-Durham, Questar III to partner on heavy equipment operation program
Feb 19, 2018 4:30 pm
Audrey Matott is reporting in the Greenville Pioneer a new Heavy Equipment Operation and Maintenance program will be offered to junior and senior high school students in Durham this fall. The two-year program will be held at the former Durham Elementary School through a partnership between the Cairo-Durham Central School District and Questar III BOCES. Cairo-Durham Superintendent Anthony Taibi announced the new plan to the Durham Town Board February 6. Taibi said the program would be open to students in Columbia and Greene counties, and added that by the 2019-2020 school year the program would likely be extended to Rensselaer County as well. Taibi said the program would not interfere with current programming hosted by the Durham Community Center. “We want to continue to have community use in that building,” he said. Questar III will rent the needed space and provide liability insurance for the program. Read the full story in the Greenville Pioneer.